Available Dates Summary

as of Aug 31, 2024 11:17pm
Nicholas Glass, Arbitrator, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Nicholas Glass

Nicholas Glass Mediation and Arbitration.
404 815 Hornby Street
Vancouver, BC V6Z 2E6
Tel: (604) 331-4454
Cell: (604) 644-3120
Fax: (604) 684-2501

Scheduling Assistant: Deanna Hansen (deanna@adrservices.ca)
  • Aug 2024: Fully Booked just now
  • Sep 2024: 9-13, 17
  • Oct 2024: 1-4, 7-8, 15-17
  • Nov 2024: Fully Booked just now
  • Dec 2024: 6, 9-13, 16-19
  • Jan 2025: Mostly open just now
  • Feb 2025: Mostly open just now
  • Mar 2025: Mostly open just now
  • Apr 2025: Mostly open just now
  • May 2025: Mostly open just now
  • Jun 2025: Mostly open just now
  • Jul 2025: Mostly open just now
  • Aug 2025: Mostly open just now